
This section is for developers who are interested in contributing to Wall Projections.

Table of contents


Wall Projections is split into two main subsystems: .Net frontend and Python backend. However, the frontend build system still requires some Python dependencies to run, so it is recommended to install all the prerequisites for both systems.



If you are developing on macOS for ARM64, you need to install the .NET 6.0 SDK for x64, as some dependencies are not available for ARM64.


Initial Setup

Cloning the repository

First, clone the repository from GitHub.

git clone


From now on, all commands are assumed to be run from the project root directory, unless otherwise specified.

Installing dependencies


If you are using an IDE, it should automatically restore the dependencies for you.

If you are using the terminal, you can restore the dependencies by running:

dotnet restore

Backend (Windows)

This step is only required if you are only developing the Python backend. If you are developing the frontend, the Python dependencies will be installed as part of the frontend build process.

We recommend using a virtual environment to manage the Python dependencies. It should be created in the %APPDATA%\WallProjections\VirtualEnv folder using the following command:

# Make sure that you are using Python 3.11
python -m venv %APPDATA%\WallProjections\VirtualEnv

Then, install all the necessary Python dependencies:

# Replace \path\to\WallProjections with the actual path to the Wall Projections repository
pushd %APPDATA%\WallProjections\VirtualEnv\Scripts
.\python -m pip install -r \path\to\WallProjections\WallProjections\Scripts\Test\requirements.txt

Backend (Linux/macOS)

Apple Silicon Macs

When running Wall Projections on Apple Sillicon Macs, you must use the x64 version of Python. To do this:

  1. Install x64 Homebrew
     arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Use x64 Homebrew to install x64 Python 3.11
    arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/brew install Python@3.11

We recommend using a virtual environment to manage the Python dependencies. It should be created in the ~/.config/WallProjections/VirtualEnv directory using the following command (prepend arch -86_64 if on Apple Silicon Macs):

python3.11 -m venv ~/.config/WallProjections/VirtualEnv

Then, install all the necessary Python dependencies:

~/.config/WallProjections/VirtualEnv/bin/python -m pip install -r ./WallProjections/Scripts/Test/requirements.txt

Building and running

The frontend has 3 build configurations: Debug, DebugSkipPython and Release.

DebugSkipPython configuration

DebugSkipPython should be used when you only want to build the frontend without running the Python backend - the program will use a mock backend instead.

Note that the build process still runs some Python scripts, even when using this configuration.

If you are not using an IDE, you can build and run the frontend using this command:

# Use the configuration you want to build
cd WallProjections
dotnet run -c Debug 

Running the tests


The tests should be run using the DebugSkipPython configuration.

If you are not using an IDE, you can run the tests using this command:

dotnet test -c DebugSkipPython --verbosity normal

or to test with coverage:

dotnet test -c DebugSkipPython --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" --settings coverlet.runsettings --results-directory TestResults


To run the backend tests, use the following command:

# Remember to use the virtual environment instead of the system Python
python -m unittest discover -s ./WallProjections